1.35 €
Featured products
Featured products
Featured products
11.90 €
Umbrella with automatic opening, Vista
Umbrellas3.75 €
Foldable umbrella, Campos Plus
Umbrellas10.90 €
Umbrella with automatic opening, Linkoln
UmbrellasFeatured products
Featured products
0.39 €
Biodegradable ball pen, Titanium Bamboo
Biodegradable pens Pens and Pencils Promo material Wooden pencils18.50 €
Desktop LCD clock with wireless charger, Corner
Desk watches Promo material Watches and Clocks Wireless chargersŠtamparija Mačinković je napravila izvanredan izbor reklamnog materijala na kome će vaš znak, logo, ilustracija ili poruka da zasija i da prikaže vaš brend. Brend koji će na taj način reći da treba verovati u kvalitet.
CatalogueSilkscreen printing is a printing technique that uses a woven mesh to support an ink-blocking stencil to receive a desired image. This technique can be used for multicolour printing on various materials and shapes.
Pad printing (also called tampography) is a printing process that can transfer a 2-D image onto a 3-D object. Pad printing is used for printing on otherwise difficult to print on products in many industries – medical equipment, sport gear, electronic objects, toys:
Laser engraving is a technique of incising a design on a metal surface by electro-erosion, a process using direct current and electrolytes. Laser engraving gives a print that lasts forever. One of its main advantages over laser technique is its fast production:
Digital printer "Epson SureColor SC/F2100" is a printer for direct print on t-shirts and other cotton materials. With high quality print, machine offers speed of printing as well. It takes only 27 seconds to print one t-shirt!